त्यस दिन सुवर्णले नेपाली कांग्रेसका कार्यकताहरूसँग भनेका थिए, ‘होइन, चारचार बिघा जग्गा तपाईं कार्यकर्ताहरूले लिनुस् । म पास गरिदिन्छु ।’ कांग्रेस संसदीय दलका सचिव अच्युतराज रेग्मीले लेखकलाई सुनाए, ‘कसैले उहाँको प्रस्ताव स्वीकार गरेनन् । बरु भने— कसले गरोस् त्यो झन्झट । जङ्गल कसले फाँड्ने,खेती कसले गर्ने ? सुवर्णजी, हामीलाई चाहिँदैन । कसैले जग्गालिन मानेनन् ।’
काठमाडौँ — दोस्रो विश्वयुद्धताकाको कुरा हो, जापानी फौज बर्मासम्म आइपुगेपछि भारतमा रहेका अंग्रेजहरूमा हाहाकार मच्चियो । विदेशी लगानीकर्ताहरूमा अति कम मूल्य आफ्ना उद्योग प्रतिष्ठानहरू बेचेर बेलायत फर्किने प्रतिस्पर्धा थियो ।
धेरै धनाढय कौडीको मोलमा कलकत्ताको सम्पत्ति बेचेर स्वदेश फर्किए । त्यही मौकामा सिन्कीको भाउमा किनेका सम्पत्ति युद्ध सकिएपछि बेचेर सुवर्ण र महावीरले मनग्य धन कमाएका थिए । विसं १९९० ताका रोलक्रमबाट निष्कासित भएर कलकत्ता बस्न थालेका यी राणाहरू नेपालका कतिपय शासकको तुलनामा निकै धनी थिए ।
भारतमा अंग्रेजविरुद्ध स्वतन्त्रताको लहर जारी थियो । अंग्रेजहरू फर्किने निश्चित हुँदै गर्दा यता नेपालमा उनीहरूकै आशीर्वादमा सय वर्ष टिकेको राणा शासनको जग कमजोर बन्दै थियो । महात्मा गान्धीको नेतृत्वमा जारी भारत छोडो आन्दोलनको प्रभाव बढ्दै गर्दा वर्षौंदेखि दबाइएका नेपाली जागरुक हुँदै थिए भने रोलक्रमबाट हटाएर निकालिएका राणाहरूमा समेत विद्रोह सुरु भएपछि शासक वर्गको होसहवास थिएन ।
मुलुकको पहिलो राजनीतिक दल प्रजापरिषद्का चार सदस्यको हत्या र सबैजसो समर्थकलाई जेल हालेपछि राणाहरूले आफूविरुद्ध उभिने दुस्साहस कसैमा हुने छैन भन्ठानेका थिए । तर केही वर्षमै राणा शासनको अन्त्य र प्रजातन्त्र स्थापनाको आन्दोलनलाई निर्णायक मोड दिन बीपी कोइराला, गणेशमान सिंहसँगै सुवर्णले पनि अग्रणी भूमिका खेले । बीपीले कोरेको सैद्धान्तिक जग, गणेशमानको वीरता र सुवर्णको आर्थिक सहयोगका कारण २००७ सालको क्रान्ति उत्कर्षमा पुग्यो ।
१९६७ फागुन १७ गते जन्मिएका सात सालको क्रान्तिका प्रमुख सैन्य कमान्डर सुवर्णले २३ वर्षकै उमेरमा कलकत्ताबाट अंग्रेजीमा एमए पास गरेका थिए । उनी राणा परिवारमै एमए गर्ने पहिलो व्यक्ति थिए । पढाइ पूरा गरेर कलकत्ताबाट फर्किंदा भाइभारदारहरू दोसल्ला लिएर उनको स्वागतमा थानकोटसम्म पुगेका थिए ।
राणा परिवारभित्र शक्तिका लागि भएको खिचलो उत्कर्षमा पुगेपछि सुवर्ण र महावीरको परिवार काठमाडौंबाट धपाइए । जतिसुकै अन्याय भए पनि सुरुका दिनमा सम्पत्ति हडप्ने डरले उनीहरूले खुलेर शासकको विरोधमा गरेका थिएनन् । तत्कालीन युवराज महेन्द्रलाई अंग्रेजी सिकाएका सुवर्ण तुलनात्मक रूपमा उदार मानिने श्री ३ पद्म सत्तामा आएपछि उनको सल्लाहकारसमेत भए । उनकै सल्लाहमा नगरपञ्चायतको चुनाव गराउने र भारतीय संविधानविद् बोलाएर नेपालको वैधानिक कानुन तयार गरियो ।
तर मोहनशमशेर र बबरशमशेरजस्ता कट्टरपन्थी राणाहरू श्री ३ पद्मले थालेका सुधारप्रति असन्तुष्ट थिए । जनतालाई अधिकार दिँदा प्रधानमन्त्री हुने आफ्नो पालो गुम्ने त्रासका कारण उनीहरूले पद्मशमशेरलाई देश छोडेर भारत जान बाध्य बनाए । त्यसअघि नै ज्यानको सुरक्षा नदेखेर सुवर्ण कलकत्ता फर्किसकेका थिए ।
नेपाली राष्ट्रिय कांग्रेस र प्रजातन्त्र कांग्रेसबीच एकीकरण भई २००६ सालमा नेपाली कांग्रेसको स्थापना भएलगत्तैको कुरा हो सुवर्णले बीपी र गणेशमानलाई कलकत्तास्थित आफ्नै निवासमा छलफलका लागि बोलाएका थिए । त्यही उनले सोधे, ‘बीपी क्रान्ति गर्न कति पैसा चाहिएला ?’ सुवर्णको अनपेक्षित प्रश्न सुनेर बीपीले गणेशमानको अनुहारमा पुलुक्क हेर्न थाले । धेरै भन्दा सुवर्ण बिच्किएलान् भन्ने लाग्यो बीपीलाई । भनिदिए ‘कति चाहिएला र सुवर्णजी, २५–३० लाख ।’ गणेशमान सिंहले भनेका छन्, ‘अब आश्चर्यचकित हुने पालो सुवर्णजीको थियो । अविश्वसनीय कुरा सुन्दा उहाँ तर्सिनुभयो र भन्नुभयो, ‘बस् २५–३० लाख रुपैयाँ ।’ त्यतिले पनि कहीँ क्रान्ति हुन्छ । नचाहिने कुरा । बिनासंकोच दिल खोलेर भन्नुस् कोइरालाजी । कति चाहिन्छ । २५–३० लाखलेपुग्छ भन्ठान्नुहुन्छ भने ल अहिले नै लिनुस् । एक करोड म तपाईंहरूलाई दिन्छु । यदि नगदै लिनुुहुन्छ भने मलाई पाँच दिनको समय चाहिन्छ ।’
विभिन्न बैंकमा रहेको रकम जम्मा गरी एकमुष्ठ दिन समय चाहिने उनको भनाइ थियो । सुवर्णले भने हैन मसँगै रहोस् भन्ने चाहनुहुन्छ भने चाहिएको बेला माग्नुहोला । ‘खर्च हुने रकममध्ये आधा भाइ महावीरशमशेरले बेहोर्नेछन् । थप रकम चाहियो भने पनि धक नमानेर भन्नुहोला अर्को करोडसम्म दिन हामीतयार छाैं ।’
हुकुमको भरमा चलेको राणाशाही अन्त्यका लागि सत्याग्रहको औचित्य छैन भन्ने राम्रोसँग बुझेका सुवर्ण फलामले फलामलाई काट्छ भनेझैं सशस्त्र क्रान्तिको पक्षमा थिए । पार्टी एकीकरण हुनुअघि नै उनको पहलमा मुक्तिसेना गठन गरी तालिम दिने व्यवस्था मिलाइएको थियो । तर पर्याप्त हतियार भने जम्मा हुन सकेको थिएन । राष्ट्रिय कांग्रेससँगको एकतासँगै उत्साहित सुवर्ण देशको वार्षिक बजेट हाराहारीको आर्थिक सहयोग पार्टीलाई गर्न तयार भएका थिए । । त्यो बेलासम्म देशको सम्पूर्ण आम्दानी राणा प्रधानमन्त्रीको निजी सम्पत्तिसरह मानिन्थ्यो । उनकै तजबिजमा खर्च हुन्थ्यो र बचेको रकम प्रधानमन्त्रीको निजी ढुकुटीमाजम्मा हुन्थ्यो ।
२००८ माघ १९ गते अर्थमन्त्रीको हैसियतमा सुवर्णले नै प्रस्तुत गरेको देशकै पहिलो बजेटमा २००७ सालमा मुलुकको कुल आम्दानी २ करोड ९० लाख ८१ हजार र खर्च २ करोड ४६ लाख २७ हजार रुपैयाँ थियो । सुवर्ण र महावीरको आर्थिक सहयोगबाट सशस्त्र क्रान्ति सञ्चालनका लागि हतियार किन्नेदेखि मुक्तिसेनाको गठन र परिचालन भएको थियो ।
प्रजातन्त्र बहालीपछि मुलुककै पहिलो अर्थमन्त्री बनेका सुवर्णकै नेतृत्वको सरकारले २०१५ सालमा मुलुकमै पहिलो पटक संसदीय निर्वाचन सम्पन्न गर्यो । चुनावका बेला पनि कांग्रेसले चन्दा उठाउन अनेकौं योजना बनायो तर सफल भएन । देशका सबै धनीमानी र जमिनदार कांग्रेसकै सदस्य थिए । तर चन्दा दिनचाहिँ कोही नमान्ने । कांग्रेस महामन्त्री रहिसकेका पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री तुलसी गिरीले लेखकलाई सुनाए, ‘पार्टी सभापति बीपी नागपोखरीमा बस्नुहुन्थ्यो । विश्वबन्धु थापा र म पनि उहाँसँगै त्यही घरमा बस्थ्यौं । पार्टीका नाममा न कुनै कोष थियो, न त बैंक खाता नै । पार्टी चलाउन चाहिने पैसा निकाल्न बीपीले पार्टीका अर्का नेता सुवर्णशमशेरलाई पत्र लेख्नुपथ्र्यो ।’
२०१४ असार ६ गते बीपीले सुवर्णलाई लेखेको पत्रमा उल्लेख छ, ‘देशभरिमा केन्द्रलाई वार्षिक एक सय रुपैयाँभन्दा बढी चन्दा दिन सक्ने एक हजार जना मानिस भेटिए भने केन्द्रको काम बढ्ने थियो र आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी पूरा गर्न सक्ने थियो । कृपया तपाईंहरूले आ–आफ्नो जिल्लामा रहेका त्यस्ता व्यक्तिहरूको सूची तयार पारेर चन्दा दिने व्यक्तिहरूबाट एकमुष्ठ चन्दा लिने व्यवस्था मिलाउनुहोला ।’
बीपीको पत्रबिना सुवर्णले पैसा नदिने । पैसाका लागि चिठी लेख्नुपर्दा बीपीलाई एकदमै गाह्रो हुने । त्यही अवस्थामा चन्दा उठाउन बीपी आफैंले समिति बनाएका थिए । तर समितिले चन्दा उठाउन सकेन । व्यापारीहरू कोषाध्यक्ष सुवर्ण आफैं माग्न आए मात्र चन्दा दिने बताउन थाले ।
सुवर्णले भने व्यापारीसँग चन्दा माग्न चाहेनन्, बरु आफैंले १० लाख सहयोग गरे । २००८ सालको बजेटमा राजा र राजपरिवारका लागि सरकारले ५ लाख ८४ हजार बजेट छुटयाएको थियो भने निजामती कर्मचारीको तलब वृद्धि गर्दा सरकारलाई २० लाख रुपैयाँ आर्थिक भार बढेको थियो ।
१५ सालमा सुवर्णले दिएको चन्दाबाटै सबै उम्मेदवारलाई पाँच हजारका दरले चुनाव खर्च दिइएको थियो । धेरैले चुनाव खर्चबाट केही रकम बचाए पनि ।
कांग्रेस नेतृ तथा गणेशमान पत्नी मङ्गलादेवी सिंहले लेखेकी छन्, ‘नैतिकता र आदर्श कायम रहेको त्यो जमानामा कांग्रेसका उम्मेदवारहरूले पाँच हजार रुपैयाँबाट चुनाव लडेर जिते । केहीले त्यही पाँच हजारबाट पनि बचाए र कसैले पार्टीलाई फिर्ता दिए भने कसैले खल्तीमा हाले ।
अर्कोतर्फ राणाहरूकै समर्थनमा बनेको गोर्खा परिषद्ले चुनावमा पैसाको खोलो बगाएको थियो । उसले पर्चासहित चुनावी सामग्रीका अतिरिक्त उम्मेदवारलाई दस हजारका दरले सहयोग रकम बाँडेको थियो । निर्वाचनको समीक्षाका लागि बोलाइएको बैठकमा गोरखा परिषद्का नेता भरतशमशेरले भनेका थिए, ‘कांग्रेसका कार्यकर्ता इमानदार र नेता पार्टीप्रति बफादार देखिए । चुनाव प्रचारप्रसारका लागि पार्टीले दिएको पैसाको सदुपयोग गरे । तर हाम्राले प्रचारप्रसारमा नलगाई स्वास्नीको सारी किन्नखर्च गरे ।’
चुनावमा नेपाली कांग्रेसले दुईतिहाइ बहुमत प्राप्त गरेसँगै नयाँ सरकार गठनका लागि गृहकार्य सुरु भयो । त्यति वेला बीपी र सुवर्णको नेतृत्वमा सरकार वन्ने चर्चा थियो । बीपी पार्टीका संस्थापक र सिद्धान्तकार थिए । त्यो निर्वाचनमा उनी जति खट्ने नेता अरू कोही थिएन ।
अर्कोतर्फ मन्त्रिपरिषद्का अध्यक्ष सुवर्णको नेतृत्वमा चुनाव सफल भएको थियो । उनकै चन्दा सहयोगमा पार्टीले दुईतिहाइ बहमुत पाएको थियो । त्यति मात्र होइन सुवर्ण त्यो संसद्मा तीन स्थानबाट निर्वाचित हुने एक मात्र नेता थिए । आफू विजयी भएको गुल्मी–अर्घाखाची क्षेत्रमा त उनले जीवनभर पाइलासम्म टेकेका थिएनन् । वारिसले उम्मेदवारी दर्ता गरिदिए । चुनाव भयो । सुवर्ण दस हजार मतअन्तरमा विजयी भए । त्यो चुनावमा कुल दस हजार मत पाउने उम्मेदवारको संख्या नै अत्यन्त कम थियो ।
निर्वाचनपछि पार्टी संसदीय दलको नेता चयन गर्न निर्वाचित सांसदको बैठक बोलाइयो । काठमाडौंमा हिजोआजजस्तो होटल र पार्टी प्यालेसको सुविधा थिएन । बाहिरबाट नेपाल (काठमाडौं) आउनेहरू साथीभाइ र आफन्तकहाँ बस्थे । कांग्रेसका पूर्वमहामन्त्री विश्वबन्धु थापाले लेखकलाई सुनाए, पार्टीका बैठकहरूसमेत जसको घर वा दरबारमा मीठो खान पाइन्छ, त्यहीँँ हुन्थे । हाल नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक केन्द्रीय कार्यालय रहेको बालुवाटारस्थित सुवर्णशमशेरको दरबार ललिता निवासमा भएको बैठकबाट बीपी सर्वसम्मत रूपमा पार्टी संसदीय दलको नेता चुनिए । अनि भोज सुरु भैहाल्यो ।’ त्यो दिनको स्मरण गर्दै विश्वबन्धु थापाले लेखकलाई सुनाए, ‘सुवर्णजीको भव्य महलमा पहाडतिरबाट चुनाव जितेर आएका कतिपय सांसदलाई भोज खानै कठिन † कतिलाई त उठेर खाने थाहा पनि थिएन ।’ बीपी नेतृत्वको पहिलो जननिर्वाचित सरकारमा सुवर्ण उपप्रधान तथा अर्थमन्त्री भए । त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयका पहिलो उपकुलपतिसमेत रहेका सुवर्णले पटकपटक मन्त्री र मन्त्रिपरिषद्को अध्यक्ष हँुदासमेत सरकारी तलब कहिल्यै बुझेनन् ।
प्रजातन्त्र स्थापनाको दस वर्ष पूरा हुँदासमेत देशका ९७ प्रतिशत जनता कृषि व्यवसायमा आश्रित थिए । तर अधिकांश कृषकसँग जमिनको स्वामित्व भने थिएन । २००७ सालअघि देशको सम्पूर्ण जमिनको ५० प्रतिशत राणा परिवार, १५ प्रतिशत शाही परिवार र राजा रजौटा, १५ प्रतिशत भारदार, सरदार, काजी, गुरुपुरोहित, १० प्रतिशत जागिरदारहरूको खानगीमा र ७ प्रतिशत सन्त, महन्त, साहु, महाजन, द्वारे, अमाली, जिम्वाल, मुखिया र किपटका सुब्बाहरूको हातमा थियो । यिनको नियन्त्रणबाट उब्रिएको तीन प्रतिशत जमिन मात्र नेपाली जनताको स्वामित्वमा थियो । अर्थात् सम्पूर्ण भूमिमा शासक र सामन्तहरूको एकाधिकार थियो ।
राणाहरू आफ्ना सन्तान र चाकडी बजाउने जोसुकैलाई बिर्ता दिन्थे । ‘देशको कुल कृषियोग्य जमिनको ३६ प्रतिशत भूमि बिर्तावालको अधीनमा थियो । राणा प्रधानमन्त्री चन्द्रशमशेर, वीरशमशेर र भीमशमशेरको परिवारमा मात्र ३ लाख ३ सय ६९ बिघा भूमि बिर्ताको रूपमा थियो ।’ उनी सभापति हुँदा नेपाली कांग्रेसले समाजवादी नीति अवलम्बन गरेको हो । पार्टी नीतिबमोजिम जननिर्वाचित सरकारले २०१६ पुस १९ गते सबैभन्दा क्रान्तिकारी कदम उठायो— राजारजौटा र बिर्ता उन्मूलन । बिर्ता उन्मूलन अभियानको सुरुआत उपप्रधान तथा अर्थमन्त्री सुवर्णशमशेरले आफैंबाट गरे । बीपी कोइराला, गणेशमान सिंह, कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईलाई साक्षी राखेर उनले आफ्नो १२ हजार बिघाको बिर्ता उन्मूलन गर्न प्रस्ताव गरे ।
त्यस दिन सुवर्णले नेपाली कांग्रेसका कार्यकताहरूसँग भनेका थिए, ‘होइन, चारचार बिघा जग्गा तपाईं कार्यकर्ताहरूले लिनुस् । म पास गरिदिन्छु ।’ कांग्रेस संसदीय दलका सचिव अच्युतराज रेग्मीले लेखकलाई सुनाए, ‘कसैले उहाँको प्रस्ताव स्वीकार गरेनन् । बरु भने— कसले गरोस् त्यो झन्झट । जङ्गल कसले फाँड्ने,खेती कसले गर्ने ? सुवर्णजी, हामीलाई चाहिँदैन । कसैले जग्गालिन मानेनन् ।’
नेपाली कांग्रेसको स्थापनापछि आफू जीवित रहँदासम्म उनले पार्टी नेता तथा कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई दिल खोलेर आर्थिक सहायता दिए । पार्टी कार्यकर्ता मात्र होइन माग्न पुग्ने जो कोहीले पनि रित्तो हात फर्किनुपर्दैनथ्यो । उनले गर्ने त्यस्तो आर्थिक सहायता राज्य कोषबाट हैन आफ्नो निजी सम्पत्ति हुन्थ्यो ।
देशमा प्रजातन्त्र स्थापना भएपछिको कुरा हो तत्कालीन राजा महेन्द्र आफ्नी साली रत्नको प्रेममा थिए । उनी सालीसँग विवाह गर्न चाहन्थे । तर राजा त्रिभुवन राणाकी छोरीसँग आफ्ना छोराको विवाह गराउन चाहँदैनथे । यही विषयलाई लिएर राजा र युवराजबीच विवाद चुलिएको थियो । युवराजले प्रेमिकासँग विवाह गर्न नपाए राजीनामा दिने धम्की दिएका थिए । राजा त्रिभुवन पनि के कम भाइ हिमालयलाई राजा बनाइ दिने भन्दै महेन्द्रलाई धम्क्याइरहेका थिए । बीपीले राजा त्रिभुवनलाई सम्झाएर महेन्द्रको विवाह रत्नसँग गराउने वातावरण बनाइदिए । त्यस बेला त्रिभुवनले बीपीसँग भनेका थिए ठीक छ प्रजातन्त्रमा चाहेको केटीसँग विवाह गर्ने उसको अधिकार छ भने गरोस् म रोक्दिनँ । तर म विवाहमा बस्दिनँ कलकत्ता जान्छु । राजा कलकत्तातिर लागे । नयाँ दुलहीलाई नारायणहिटीमा भित्र्याउन दिएनन् र नागार्जुन दरबारमा रत्नालाई भित्र्याइयो । वास्तविक शासक राणा भएकाले राणाकालभर राजाहरू खोपीको देवतासरह थिए । हालै प्रकाशित सुवर्ण स्मृति ग्रन्थले नेपालको प्रजातान्त्रिक आन्दोलन र सुवर्णको भूमिकाका सम्बन्धमा ऐतिहासिक तथ्य सार्वजनिक गरेको छ । पुस्तकमा साहित्यकार डायमण्डशमशेर राणाले युवराज महेन्द्रको विवाहका लागि सुवर्णले आफ्नोतर्फबाट ४० हजार सहयोग गरेको उल्लेख गरेका छन् ।
तिनै महेन्द्र राजा भएपछि २०१७ साल पुस १ गते जननिर्वाचित संसद् र सरकार भंग गरी निरंकुश पञ्चायती शासन चलाए । त्यसको विरोधमा सुवर्णले २०१८ सालमा सशस्त्र क्रान्ति सञ्चालन गरे । त्यो क्रान्तिका लागि पनि उनको ठूलो धनराशि खर्चिए । आन्दोलन सफलतातर्फ उन्मुख थियो । सुन्दरीजल बन्दीगृहमा रहेका बीपीलाई समेत राजा सम्झौता गर्ने तहमा गलिसकेका छन् भन्ने सूचना थियो । उनले कुनै हालतमा आन्दोलन नरोक्नू, कडा बनाउनू, राजा गलेका छन् भन्ने सन्देश कलकत्तामा रहेका सुवर्णलाई पठाए । तर त्यही बीचमा भारत र चीनबीच युद्ध भयो र सुवर्णले सशस्त्र क्रान्ति स्थगित गर्नुपर्यो ।
प्रजातन्त्रमाथि कु हुनुअघि सुवर्ण उपचारका लागि कलकत्ता गएका थिए । ठूला नेताहरू जेल परेपछि कांग्रेसको नेतृत्व र जिम्मेवारी उनकै काँधमा थियो । भारतमा शरण लिएका सात हजारभन्दा बढी कार्यकर्तालाई उनले नै अश्रय मात्र दिएनन्, पार्टी संगठन जोगाउन तन, मन र धनले निरन्तर सहयोग गरेका थिए । पूर्वसांसद लेखनाथ न्यौपानेले भनेका छन्— राजाले कु गरेपछि भारतका आठ स्थानमा क्याम्प खडा गरी कार्यकर्ता बस्ने व्यवस्था सुवर्णले मिलाएका थिए । हरेक कार्यकर्तालाई मासिक २५ रुपैयाँका दरले खर्च पनि उनैले व्यवस्था मिलाएका थिए । त्यति मात्र होइन, पार्टीका कैयौं कार्यकर्ताका छोराछोरीलाई आफ्नो निजी खर्चमा छात्रवृत्ति दिएर पढाएका थिए । सहिद र विपन्न परिवारका सदस्यहरूलाई आर्थिक सहायताका साथै औषधि उपचारको प्रबन्ध पनि उनैले गरेका थिए ।
पार्टी र कार्यकर्ताको संरक्षण गरी राजाको निरंकुशताविरुद्धको दियो बालिरहने क्रममा २०१७ सालको शाही कुपछि कलकत्ता चौरंगीस्थित कनक बिल्डिङसमेत उनले बेच्नुपर्यो । पूर्वसचिव मदनकुमार भट्टराई सुवर्णको कलकत्तास्थित निवासबारे लेख्छन्— ऐतिहासिक र आकर्षक भवनसहितको सुवर्णजीको आवास र उहाँको हाउभाउ र सोख कुनै हालतमा काठमाडौंका शासक राणाभन्दा कम थिएन । त्यो सम्पत्ति कुनै बेला लर्ड कर्जनका मित्र समकालीन र नाम चलेका बेलायती भारदारको थियो ।
अध्यता तथा पूर्वसभासद पुरुषोत्तम बस्नेतले लेखकलाई सुनाएअनुसार २०१७ सालपछि जेल परेका कार्यकर्तालाई सरकारले मासिक १५ रुपैयाँ दिन्थ्यो भने सुवर्णले ३० रुपैयाँ पठाउँथे । पूर्वअर्थमन्त्री डा. रामशरण महत लेख्छन्, ‘२००६ देखि २०२५ सालसम्म पार्टीको सम्पूर्ण खर्च, निर्वासनमा रहेका कार्यकर्ताका लागि आवश्यक पर्ने खर्च, २०१५ सालको चुनाव खर्च उहाँ एक्लैले जुटाउनुभयो । पार्टीका काममा खुला दिलले सहयोग गरे पनि उहाँले अर्थमन्त्री हुँदासमेत राज्यकोषको दुरुपयोग हुन दिनुभएन ।
पूर्वप्रधानमन्त्री कृष्णप्रसाद भट्टराईका अनुसार पनि आफ्नो निजी सम्पत्ति खर्च गर्न हदैसम्म उदारता देखाउने सुवर्णराज्यकोष दुरुपयोग होला कि भनेर सर्पले झैं फँडा फिँजाएर सुरक्षा गर्थे ।
प्रजातन्त्रको पक्षमा दृढ भएर लागेकै कारण निरंकुश सरकारले बालुवाटारस्थित सुवर्णको ललिता निवाससहित ३०० रोपनी जग्गा हरण गर्यो । बालुवाटारस्थित नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक केन्द्रीय कार्यालय मात्र होइन, अहिले प्रधानमन्त्री प्रधानन्यायाधीश र सभामुखको सरकारी निवास रहेको जग्गा पनि कुनै समय सुवर्णकै थियो । बीपी स्वयंले भनेका छन्, ‘अरूले पार्टी छाडेको म कल्पना गर्न सक्छु । तर सुवर्णशमशेरसँग मतभेद भएकोसम्म पनि म कल्पना गर्न सक्दिनँ । सुवर्णशमशेर र मेरो कुरा मिलेन भने नेपाली कांग्रेस सकियो ।’ नभन्दै नियति त्यस्तै भएको छ, पहिला सुवर्णजस्ता दानीले नि:स्वार्थ सघाएका थिए । त्यसैले राणा शासन र पञ्चायती कालरात्रिमा समेत कांग्रेस प्रजातन्त्रको पहरेदारी गर्दै राजनीतिको केन्द्रमा थियो ।
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表参道 御神木の老杉 - 樹高約42m、樹齢約800年。荒御前大神は、神功皇后の三韓征伐の際に守護したとされる。外拝殿は切妻造銅板葺で、大正9年(1920年)の造営の旧拝殿である。境内 拝殿 - 社号額、向拝から外拝殿・白光苑 - 境内の北東にある庭園。境内 社頭の白山まつり - 秋の早朝、境内社頭での氏子による加賀獅子舞が奉納される。
自由民主党の元東京都議が開いた政治資金パーティーに参加するよう豊島区職員に依頼したとして、自民党区議団の松下創一郎幹事長と竹下広美副幹事長、区総務部長と文化商工部長が政治資金規正法違反(公務員の地位利用)の罪で略式起訴された。 ラピス以外は復活後、ディアンのダーク魔法で性格とジュエルパワーを正反対に変えられてしまい騒動を起こすが、いずれもりんこたちがジュエルゲームに勝利したことにより元に戻っている。
しかしこの「吉野山」については、実は原作の浄瑠璃と現行の文楽・現行の文楽・八坂神社主催の神事は 「神輿渡御」(神幸:7月17日・ 「天王様」(素戔嗚尊)と親しまれる旧市街の夏祭りで、江戸時代には土浦城の鎮守として城主土屋家の崇敬を受け、神幸祭の行列が土浦城内に繰り込んだとされる。
遊園地。ウサギのキャラクターであるティーニーがいる他、ジェットコースターやライド式射的など多数のアトラクションがある。地震の揺れ自体による被害としては、震度6以上の揺れを観測した市町村は29市町村であり、これは宮城県26市町村、福島県33市町村と並んで多かった。 "中村ひでゆき プロフィール". "江崎ばもん プロフィール".宮崎はそこでとっさに、千尋が初めて湯屋に入るシーンで欄干のそばに立っていたキャラクターを話題にした。 」2021年1月9日。明治4年11月22日(1872年1月2日)、岸和田県・
ボムが残っている場合、通常の要領でボムが自動で爆発する。 TARAKO、坂本真綾、MoeMiのように並行してシンガーソングライターとして活動する者もおり、近年は沼倉愛美、鈴木みのり、早見沙織、楠木ともり、小岩井ことり、雨宮天ら自身の手による楽曲の作詞作曲を手掛ける声優アーティストも多くなった。 など、容姿に自身のある人物が声優を目指す例も増えた。 "関西国際空港|CARGO KIX〜24時間眠らない「国際貨物ハブ空港」〜|貨物地区の概要|フェデックス北太平洋地区ハブ".
そのような中での1975年、キャンプ中に足を故障したことの影響で開幕から8試合連続スタメン落ちし、さらには長嶋の引退でさらに王に他球団のマークが集中したことで、打率.285、33本塁打、96打点に終わり、打点王こそ守ったもののこの1冠のみに終わり、13年守り続けた本塁打王の座を阪神の田淵幸一に明け渡すこととなった。 "『第5回 ももいろ歌合戦』出演決定!". 17日 - ペルーの憲法裁判所は、軍による虐殺事件に関与したとして禁錮25年の判決を受けて服役中のアルベルト・
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2008年(平成20年)5月 - 大阪証券取引所上場をやめる。若林政樹(エムジーエフ(株)代表取締役). それは貸借対照表の右下の数字を見ればすぐにわかる。高橋町斎竹建(4時30分・太宰治記念館 「斜陽館」 - 金木町朝日山に所在。 「地震:国の施設を一時提供 帰宅困難者に」毎日jp(毎日新聞)、2011年3月12日。
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Transport for London (TfL) bought out the Tube Lines consortium in 2010, formally ending the PPP. In 2019, TfL raised £1 billion to purchase the Piccadilly line trains by selling and leasing again Class 345 Elizabeth line trains. Contract covers mixed price of acquiring 36 C851E automobiles for the North East Line and 33 C851E cars for the Circle Line for a complete of sixty nine cars. These automobiles have been constructed for the preliminary above-floor system and, because of failing to meet safety necessities, were not allowed to function on the tunnelled extension to Financial institution. NYSE Group, proprietor of the brand new York Stock Change (NYSE), provided €8 billion (US$10.2b) in cash and shares for Euronext on 22 Could 2006, outbidding a rival offer for the European Inventory alternate operator from Deutsche Börse, the German inventory market. On 19 December 2006, Euronext shareholders accepted the transaction with 98.2% of the vote. Deutsche Börse dropped out of the bidding for Euronext on 15 November 2006, removing the final main hurdle for the NYSE Euronext transaction. ICE's acquisition of NYSE Euronext the 12 months before. As part of its acquisition of the Italian Bourse in 2021, Euronext obtained the multi-asset clearing home Cassa di Compensazione e Garanzia S.p.A.
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MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Restricted Firm (April 29, 2020). MOL Hungarian Oil and Gasoline Public Limited Firm Consolidated Annual Report 31 December 2019 (PDF) (Report). Reliance Industries Restricted (June 7, 2018). Built-in Annual Report 2017-18 (PDF) (Report). Indian Oil Corporation (July 30, 2018). Built-in Annual Report 2017-18 (PDF) (Report). Indian Oil Corporation (August 9, 2021). "Statement of Profit and Loss for the Year Ended March 31, 2021" (PDF). Hellenic Petroleum (February 25, 2021). Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS as endorsed by the European Union for the year ended 31 December 2020 (PDF) (Report). Bharat Petroleum (August 1, 2019). Annual Report 2018-19 (PDF) (Report). Bharat Petroleum (September 5, 2020). Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF) (Report). Lee, Meng-Rui; Sheng, Wang-Huei; Hung, Chien-Ching; Yu, Chong-Jen; Lee, Li-Na; Hsueh, Po-Ren (September 2015). "Mycobacterium abscessus Complicated Infections in Humans". Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements for the yr ended December 31, 2019 (PDF) (Report). Annual Report and IFRS Monetary Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018 (PDF) (Report).
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Johnson, Wes. The Manufactured Home Buyer's Handbook. Elliott, Monica. "Adaptable architecture: Lean techniques are a solid foundation for industrial engineers in home manufacturing." Industrial Engineer. Chiti said he and his fellow engineers lived under a blanket of fear of making a mistake. Kageyama, Yuri. "Toyota homeward bound: Japanese auto giant also makes homes on efficient assembly line." The Chicago Sun-Times.
Rappeport, Alan (2 December 2019). "Saudi Arabia Embraces Western Sports to Rehabilitate Global Image". In December 2008, the Dutch government decided to rename the NTP to the usual Business Reporting (SBR) Programme, thus adopting the name introduced by Australia. The report, "Customary Business Reporting: Open Data to chop Compliance Costs", defines SBR as a number of regulatory agencies adopting a standard open data structure for the knowledge they gather. In March 2017, the info Foundation and PwC published a analysis report explaining how the adoption of Commonplace Enterprise Reporting (SBR) within the United States would cut back prices for both firms and agencies. The Dutch strategy was adopted by the Australian authorities in 2006, which established the usual Business Reporting (SBR) Program. The Dutch Taxonomy Undertaking (Nederlandse Taxonomie Undertaking) or NTP began in 2004 as a part of the Dutch cabinet's objectives to cut back the administrative burdens on companies. Companies conduct their own financial administration; the details they document and decisions they make ought to drive their reporting. For example, red, blue, and yellow make a cheery child's room or, toned all the way down to wine, navy, and old ivory, an elegant Federal room. By utilizing a digital certificate, organizations can legally communicate with, for instance, the Tax and Customs Administration, Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and the Statistics Netherlands (CBS).
This is essentially a written investment plan that allows you (and your advisor, if you have one) to have a written implementation, management, and review program for managing your investments. A business is bound with several challenges when it comes to managing and tracking its assets effectively. This is comparable to a business plan, without which very few businesses succeed.
In this case, a credit score rating of the asset-backed securities can be primarily based only on the assets and liabilities of the special-objective car, and this ranking might be greater than if the originating financial institution issued the securities as a result of the danger of the asset-backed securities would now not be associated with other dangers that the originating bank would possibly bear. British plan to revive King George II of Greece to the throne because he was carefully associated with fascism. To realize this, the Clinton health plan required each US citizen and permanent resident alien to grow to be enrolled in a professional health plan on his or her own or by applications mandated to be supplied by businesses with greater than 5,000 full-time employees. Nonetheless, neither the board of the Maine Healthcare Plan have been created as a result of they're contingent on the passage of the federal legislation H.R.3775, the State-Based Common Well being Care Act.
The coverage competences of the ECB are closely influenced by the German Bundesbank policies and due to this fact have as main purpose to have price stability and to be impartial from national governments. Even higher, sunrooms are very attractive to homebuyers, especially these in colder climates; in the United States, sunrooms are hottest in the Northeast and Midwest. However, the change charge has stored inside 0.5% of the defined charge, even lower than the set limits. To keep away from going beyond the fluctuation limits the domestic Central bank has two tools to adjust the money supply and trade price. When the Danish currency goes past the agreed upon limits, it is as much as the home Central bank to intervene till the extent is again throughout the fluctuation band. Denmark's foreign money is pegged to the foreign money of the eurozone which is not an optimal currency space because the collaborating international locations have asymmetric enterprise cycles. Denmark borders one eurozone member, Germany, and one EU member that's obliged to undertake the euro sooner or later however at the moment has no plans to take action, Sweden.
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68,437, and the median earnings for a household was $85,296. Zero in taxes for the 12 months 2020. Jacobs' federal revenue taxes for that 12 months had been destructive $37 million dollars for an effective tax rate of −17.4%. In the primary half of 2019, the airport saw a 225% increase in passengers arriving and departing, when in contrast with the same time interval one year prior. American Airways, Delta Air Strains, and United Airlines serve the airport. This was attributed to new air service and added seat capacity, made possible by the airport's 2018 runway growth. Hilton Head Island is served seasonally by The Breeze public trolley service which is provided by the Lowcountry Regional Transit Authority. Hilton Head Island is mentioned on pages 123, 130, 131, and 224 of the late Pat Conroy's 1972 novel The Water Is Wide. The novel is set on Daufuskie Island, fictionalized as Yamacraw Island. Although the town occupies many of the land area of the island, it is not coterminous with it; there's a small part near the main entry street from the mainland, William Hilton Parkway, which isn't integrated into the town.
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Higher preliminary temperatures might result in elevated development and manufacturing in the short-time period but ultimately there may very well be a large collapse if warming tendencies proceed. Totally different courtyards on site, such as the Sicilian Courtroom, Iris Courtroom, and Margaret Fowler Garden were surveyed and adjusted to resemble their preliminary designs wherever potential. Originally designed as a European medieval-type cloister garden to be positioned east of a proposed (but never constructed) chapel, the Margaret Fowler Garden is a walled backyard positioned on the Scripps School Campus. On the south wall of the Margaret Fowler Garden are murals by Alfredo Ramos Martínez. The western space of the backyard additionally contains a central pool and 4 walkways extending in the cardinal instructions. The garden is specified by two distinct sections: the western space incorporates a sculpture by Albert Stewart referred to as "Eternal Primitive". Though first drawn from his wages, he then retired, making payments out of his social security income. Social Science Research Network. European political parties - largely consisting of nationwide member events, and few individual members - have the correct to marketing campaign through the European elections, for which they usually adopt manifestos outlining their positions and ambitions. Scripps is a member of the Claremont Schools, and far of pupil life revolves across the five faculties, or "5Cs." Scripps College, Claremont McKenna Faculty, Pomona College, Pitzer School, and Harvey Mudd School not only interact socially, but additionally share dining halls, libraries, and different services unfold all through the bordering campuses.
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Blue Chip Economic Indicators is a monthly survey and associated publication by Wolters Kluwer collecting macroeconomic forecasts related to the economy of the United States. This basic introduction here is to help you understand what holding companies are, why they play such a vital role in the modern economy and some significant things you might consider before investing in or forming one.
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An isolated supercell in West-Central Georgia produced an EF2 tornado that struck Downtown Atlanta on the evening of March 14. It brought on severe harm to several buildings, including the Georgia Dome (a SEC Tournament basketball sport was being played because the twister struck), the World Congress Center, Philips Arena (an Atlanta Hawks recreation was additionally interrupted right here), and CNN Heart. Here are much more examples to investigate. In state capitalist programs, markets are relied upon the least, with the state relying heavily on both indicative planning and/or state-owned enterprises to accumulate capital. The Tamil Nadu AIDS Initiative (TAI) Venture supported by Invoice & Melinda Gates Basis (BMGF) - Avahan from 2004-2014. General, VHS has contributed to the reversal of HIV epidemic in the State. On the morning of February 5, a excessive threat was issued for a part of the area, notably Arkansas, for the risk of sturdy to violent tornadoes. While no tornadoes have been reported throughout a lot of the areas of Arkansas and Tennessee throughout the afternoon and evening hours, as the forecasted major twister outbreak didn't materialize, one EF1 twister was later confirmed in Grant and Saline Counties in Arkansas, nevertheless it was from earlier storms. In whole, 57 individuals died in the outbreak.
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January 20, 2020 Oak Bay-Gordon Head Andrew Weaver Green Unbiased Left caucus to attend to family health problems. Their view is that chiropractors ought to restrict their scope of observe to neuromusculoskeletal issues reminiscent of muscle spasms, strains, sprains, fatigue, imbalance of strength and adaptability, stretched or irritated nerve tissue, and so forth. Premium-Only Plans - With any such plan, staff can pay their portions of the insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars. You do not need an insurer who would not need to pay claims. Babysitting has been filling piggy banks for generations, but if you want to break into the baby-tending business, here are some things to know. Worker stock purchase plans are another option for employers who wish to lure new recruits. Teodor Shanin: was a British sociologist who was for many years Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester. Mills was fearful about sociology falling into the traps of normative thinking and ceasing to be a critic of social life.
Each the ISO code "DKK" and currency sign "kr." are in frequent use; the former precedes the worth, the latter in some contexts follows it. The latter part of the 18th century and far of the nineteenth century saw increasing economic exercise and thus also a necessity for means of fee that have been simpler to handle than coins. Extra lately, the Egyptian government has launched Utilized Know-how Faculties as a part of its efforts to boost technical and vocational training and training (TVET). Over the subsequent 5 years, more than 1,000 Zurich employees, prospects, brokers, and distributors volunteered with SBP to rebuild properties in New Orleans, Staten Island and Joplin, until in April 2014, the corporate introduced that its Z Zurich Foundation would give SBP a $3 million grant over three years. The order required all 43 named defendants, officers and rank-and-file members to turn over each dwelling and office computer gear to the accounting firm Ernst & Young for "purposes of analyzing and copying data and communications contained on the pc laborious drives." The order permitted the discovery of all data, including e-mail communications. The steel content of minted coins was topic to debasement over the centuries, a straightforward solution to generate revenue for the monarch and/or the state.
The corporate operates in Canada and Asia as "Manulife" and within the United States primarily by way of its John Hancock Financial division. In Spain, at the tip of 1998, Helvetia Patria acquired the northern Spanish La Vasco Navarra LVN, a medium-sized all-sector firm. These resettlement campaigns additionally shaped ethnolinguistic profile of modern Northern Thailand. Siam sent its own officials to affix with British commissioner Arthur H. Hildebrand to demarcate Anglo-Siamese Trans-Salween borders in January 1894, taking the identical line previously defined by Elias and turning into part of fashionable Myanmar-Thailand borders. This declare included trendy Northern Thailand, Tai Lue towns of Mong Yawng, Vieng Phouka and Luang Namtha to the east, Kengtung to the north and Salween Shan States of Monghsat, Mongpu and Mongpan to the northwest. After Third Anglo-Burmese Struggle in 1885, because the British took control of Shan States by 1889, they began to take eyes on these teak-wealthy trans-Salween states. Ultimately in 1797, King Rama I ordered Kawila to take some inhabitants from Lampang to found Chiang Mai right away. However, as a consequence of inadequate population, Kawila was not in a position to take his place in Chiang Mai instantly so he established himself at Pasang to the south of Chiang Mai as his temporary headquarters.
U.S. deprives Japan of oil: Oil barrels stay piled on the dock after President Franklin Roosevelt's declaration of an oil embargo on Japan in July 1941. The embargo, which followed related restrictions on sales of iron and steel, was intended to persuade the Japanese to withdraw from Indochina, disavow the Tripartite Pact, and abandon the war in China. U.S. Bank has accomplished its acquisition of Mom Lode Savings Financial institution of Sacramento, further solidifying the Oregon financial institution's place in Northern California. Bancorp this 12 months. The corporate accomplished the acquisition of Mt Baker Bank in Bellingham final month and has agreements to buy Northwestern Industrial Bank, additionally in Bellingham, and the Financial institution of Loleta in Eureka, Calif. The California unit was formed early last 12 months with the acquisition of the $143 million-in-property Financial institution of Loleta in Eureka, Calif. In Nevada, the acquisition package deal consists of the purchase of Bank of America Nevada (owned by BofA), with 21 branches, plus eight Safety Pacific branches in Nevada. It is one of the primary acquisitions of thrift by a industrial bank within the nation since laws permitting such takeovers. The beforehand announced acquisition, which requires the approval of Western Impartial Bancshares shareholders and regulators, is one of a number of pending or completed by U.S.
Not learning this element of trading Forex or any other market for that matter good results is only as a result of chance and over the long run the trader will not do well. Monitor for changing meteorological conditions throughout an incident An example cited by Battalion Chief Henry Costo in Fire Rescue Magazine: "No PPE risk assessment would be complete without adequate consideration of a jurisdiction’s prevailing climate and weather conditions, as well as the potential for extremes of temperature, humidity, wind, rain, storms, flooding, snow accumulations, ice, etc. Keep in mind that many jurisdictions experience significant weather variations even within their own boundaries-such as the beaches vs.
In order for you to boost ROI and safe sales leading into the future you then do need to supply cars on finance to your prospects. Eichengreen, Barry; Esteves, Rui Pedro (2021), Fukao, Kyoji; Broadberry, Stephen (eds.), "Worldwide Finance", The Cambridge Financial Historical past of the trendy World: Quantity 2: 1870 to the current, vol. OSDUIHelper, a daemon that shows on-display graphics when sure settings, similar to quantity or display brightness, are adjusted. The quicker they're to settle will inform you just how winnable your case is, so concentrate to the timing and quantities of their first offers. You have to an attorney, possibly a crew of attorneys, to sort out the "huge canine" in your explicit block. A study carried out by the University of Virginia found that of the top a hundred and fifty functions on Facebook, ninety percent had been given access to data they didn't want in order for the app to function.
Opponents of this economic concept tend to believe that politicians who assist it are within the pockets of rich businessmen. Many fiscal conservatives who assist trickle-down economics also are likely to support getting rid of the progressive revenue tax altogether. Why work the remainder of the 12 months when you realize you may solely keep 10 p.c of your earnings? Now that we know the way it's purported to work, let's check out the idea in action. The worksheet hyperlink above offers a cheat sheet of every thing you both want to recollect in regards to the rehearsal, together with what you both ought to take along (such as the wine and the wedding license) that you'll want in your precise wedding day. Whereas a decadent marinade actually has its enchantment, it could possibly take hours to prepare and to even have a noticeable impact on the meat. His tax cuts didn't cross till after he was assassinated, but Laffer argues that they had the optimistic impact on the economy that Kennedy had hoped for.
Collector coins with various other denominations have been issued as effectively, but these usually are not intended for common circulation, and they are authorized tender only within the member state that issued them. Commemorative coins with €2 face value have been issued with adjustments to the design of the national facet of the coin. The ECB points 8% of the entire worth of banknotes issued by the Eurosystem. Eurosystem NCBs are required to just accept euro banknotes put into circulation by other Eurosystem members and these banknotes usually are not repatriated. Since 1 January 2002, the national central banks (NCBs) and the ECB have issued euro banknotes on a joint basis. The coins also have a nationwide aspect exhibiting a picture particularly chosen by the country that issued the coin. These embrace each commonly issued coins, such as the €2 commemorative coin for the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome, and nationally issued coins, such as the coin to commemorate the 2004 Summer season Olympics issued by Greece.
The choice, Johnson's first major act of independence, was not appreciated by Jefferson. He concurred with the majority opinion that Kentucky's legislative act to limit the rights of titleholders to their land was unlawful however as soon as once more, as in Fletcher (1810), Johnson believed that the illegality of the act was attributable to its violation of general principles of legislation, and never on account of it violating the Contract Clause. It's returning in a circle to contend that it professes to be the unique act of the individuals, for what have the individuals executed however to type this compact? The events are the folks, the States, and the United States. McCulloch established that states couldn't interfere with the federal government's execution of constitutional powers and that the required and Proper Clause offers Congress implied powers that aren't enumerated in the U.S. In 1819, he joined a unanimous Courtroom in McCulloch v. Maryland, a case that struck down an attempt by the Maryland General Assembly to tax the Second Bank of the United States. Between July and October 1808, Johnson publicly debated the decision with Attorney Normal Caesar Augustus Rodney in a collection of letters published in Charleston newspapers.
Most commodity ETFs own the physical commodity. In 2007, iShares introduced an ETF that owns excessive-yield debt and an ETF that owns municipal bonds and State Avenue Global Advisors and The Vanguard Group also issued bond ETFs. APs provide market liquidity for the ETF shares and assist make sure that their intraday market value approximates the net asset value of the underlying property. ETF shares are created and redeemed when massive broker-dealers known as authorized individuals (AP) act as market makers and purchase and redeem ETF shares straight from the ETF issuer in giant blocks, generally 50,000 shares, referred to as creation items. In 2008, it launched the Sterling Money Market ETF (LSE: XGBP) and US Dollar Cash Market ETF (LSE: XUSD) in London. Barclays, along with MSCI and Funds Distributor Inc., entered the market in 1996 with World Fairness Benchmark Shares (WEBS), which turned iShares MSCI Index Fund Shares. Vanguard is the leading advocate of index funds. In 2001, The Vanguard Group entered the market by launching the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (NYSE Arca: VTI), which owns each publicly traded stock within the United States. Referred to as SPDRs or "Spiders", the fund turned the biggest ETF in the world.
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Most VFL finals systems utilised till 1930 comprised a short finals system, often a simple knockout tournament ending with a match called the 'closing'; if the 'ultimate' was not received by the home-and-away season's minor premiers, then the minor premiers had the appropriate to challenge the winner of the 'final' to a playoff match for the premiership. Under this system, and all techniques which followed it till 1993, one crew entered the grand final with a bye week after successful the second semi-ultimate; and the opposite entered after profitable the preliminary final within the week earlier than the grand remaining. In accordance with the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), TSE had the most effective efficiency among WFE member exchanges from Could 2010 to Might 2011. With a staggering 79% development price in its main index, the TSE ranked 1st in WFE's "Broad Stock Index Efficiency" class followed by the Colombo and Lima Inventory Exchanges with 75.1% and 48.9% charges respectively.
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The last years of the 1990s saw property values begin to increase. By 2006 property prices had doubled from a decade earlier. Spain joined the Eurozone in 1999. Interest rates dropped and the property boom accelerated. Bogle retired from Vanguard as chairman in 1999 when he reached the company's mandatory retirement age of 70 and he was succeeded by John J. ("Jack") Brennan.
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