त्यो दिन : विद्रोहीबाट सिंहदरवार कव्जा, प्रधानमन्त्री र मन्त्रीहरु भागेर दरवारको शरणमा, प्रत्यक्षदर्शीको बयान (भिडियो सहित)


विद्रोहीले सिंहदरवार भित्र थुनामा रहेका केआई सिंह (पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री) लाई छुटाएर मातृका सरकारलाई वर्खास्त गरी सर्वदलिय सरकार वनाउनु पर्ने माग अघि सारेको अपुष्ट खवर पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीसम्म आईरहेको थियो । केआई सिंहको नेतृत्वमा विद्रोहीले प्रमुख प्रशासनीक केन्द्र सिंहदरवार कव्जामा लिइ सके । सबै कैदी छुटाई सके । नारायणहिटी राजदरवार र सैनिक हेडक्वाटर वाहेककासरकारी कार्यालय विद्रोहीको कव्जामा छन् । कति मन्त्री भागेर नारायणहिटी राजदरवार पुगेको खवर आउन थाल्यो । 


२००८ साल माघ ८ गते । काठमाडौंको मुटु कमाउने जाडो । प्रधानमन्त्री मातृकाप्रसाद कोइराला लाजिम्पाटमा एउटा सानो भाडाको दुई तले बंगलोमा बस्थे । पराजुली थरका क्याप्टेनले अत्तालिएर प्रधानमन्त्रीसंग भने ‘हजुर रक्षा दलमा विद्रोह हुदैछ भन्ने सूचना आएको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री सहित सरकारका मन्त्रीलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिने कुरा छ ।’ 
त्यो अप्रत्यासित सूचनाले प्रधानमन्त्री छक्क परे । सम्भावित दुर्घटनाको त्रास थपियो ।  
अनयासै सोधे ‘कसले गर्दैछ ? 
क्याप्टेन पराजुली विस्तार लगाउन थाले ‘हजुर रक्षा दलले ।’ 
प्रधानमन्त्रीले फेरी सोधे ‘पक्का हो ।’
सात दशक अघिको त्यो घटना वारे प्रधानमन्त्री पुत्र कमलले लेखकलाई सुनाए ‘सानै भए पनि म वुझ्न सक्ने भैसकेको थिए । क्याप्टेन पराजुली भन्दै थिए पक्का भन्न त सक्दिन प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यू तर यस्तो कुरा भैरहेको छ । विद्रोह कुन दिन कुन बेला हुन्छ । ठेगान छैन ।’
प्रधानमन्त्री क्याप्टेन पराजुलीलाई एक पछि अर्को प्रश्न सोध्न थाले ‘विद्रोहमा कस कसको हात छ ? को को संलग्न छन् ? जीवी याकथुम्वा लगायतका रक्षा दलका ठूला अफिसर छन् ? छैनन् ?’
क्याप्टेन पराजुलीले भने ‘उनीहरु त यसमा छैनन् । तर योजनाकारहरु भन्दैछन् रे प्रधानमन्त्री र मन्त्रीहरुलाई थुनिसके पछि त उनीहरुले साथ दिइहाल्छन् नी ।’ 
प्रधानमन्त्री निवासमा राष्ट्रिय सेनाले सेन्ट्रीको जिम्मेवारी लिएको थियो । राणा र उनीहरुका विश्वास पात्रकै वाहुल्यता भएकाले राष्ट्रिय सेना माथि विद्रोहवाट आएको सरकारको पूर्व विश्वास थिएन । त्यसैले सुरक्षाको मुख्य जिम्मेवारीमा रक्षा दललाई राखिएको थियो । 
राणा विरुद्व लडेका मुक्ति सेना (प्रजातन्त्र पछि रक्षा दलमा परिणत) कै योद्वाबाट विद्रोह हुन लागेको सूचनाले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई थप चिन्तित बनाइरहेको थियो । जसले विद्रोह गर्दै छ भन्ने सूचना प्रधानमन्त्री पाइरहेका थिए,  क्रान्तिकालमा उनी आफै त्यसको सर्वोच्च कमाण्डर थिए । जसले पहिलो पटक जनताका छोराछोरीको तर्फबाट उनलाई प्रधानमन्त्री बन्ने अवसर दिलाएका थिए ।  
संयोगले त्यो दिन प्रधानमन्त्रीका बडिगार्ड पनि विदामा बसेको मौका थियो । खेमवहादुर भन्ने लेफ्टिनेन्ट, क्याप्टेन पराजुली मात्र माथिल्लो तहका सुरक्षा अधिकारी निवासमा थिए । 
कमलले सम्झिए ‘बाबाले सल्लाहका लागि क्याप्टेन पराजुलीलाई वोलाउनु भयो ।  उनीहरुले के सल्लाह थिए भने अव रक्षा दलका मानिसहरु यही आउन सक्छन् । बरु त्यस अघि नै प्रधानमन्त्री ज्यूले सपरिवार यो ठाउ छोड्नु उपयुक्त हुन्छ हजुर ।’ 
विद्रोही फौज कति वेला आउने हो । आई हाल्यो भने उनीहरुबाट प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई जोगाउन सकिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास उनको सुरक्षामा खटिएका अधिकारीलाई भएन । त्यसैले त्यस प्रकारको सुझाव दिएका थिए तिनले ।
रमाइलो त के भने प्रधानमन्त्रीका ड्राइभर थिए, गुभाजु गुभाजु भन्ने एक सिभिलियन । अव त्यो वेला यस्तो काण्ड होला भन्ने कल्पनै भएन । हरेक साझ गुभाजु प्रधानमन्त्री निवासमा मोटर पार्क गर्थे, अनी उज्यालैमा साचो बाकेर घर तिर लाग्थे । 
प्रधानमन्त्रीका वडिगार्डहरु चढ्ने जीपको ड्राइभर पनि भाडाकै थिए । उनी पनि काम सकेर वेलैमा घर तिर लागि सकेका थिए । जाडोको वेला पाच वजे त सबै घर भित्र पसि सक्थे । सिंगो काठमाडौ सुनसान हुन्थ्यो । 
कमलले सुनाए ‘अव प्रधानमन्त्रीको साथमा रहेका दुवै गाडीको साचो समेत छैन । भए त कसैले हाक्न पनि सक्थ्यो होला । त्यो बेला कता गुभाजु ड्राइभर खोज्न जाने ।’
के गर्ने कसो गर्ने । प्रधानमन्त्री आफू माथि आई परेको संकटको निकास पाइरहेका थिएनन् । 
त्यतिञ्जेल विद्रोहीले सिंहदरवार भित्र थुनामा रहेका केआई सिंह (पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री) लाई छुटाएर मातृका सरकारलाई वर्खास्त गरी सर्वदलिय सरकार वनाउनु पर्ने माग अघि सारेको अपुष्ट खवर पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीसम्म आईरहेको थियो । केआई सिंहको नेतृत्वमा विद्रोहीले प्रमुख प्रशासनीक केन्द्र सिंहदरवार कव्जामा लिइ सके । सबै कैदी छुटाई सके । नारायणहिटी राजदरवार र सैनिक हेडक्वाटर वाहेककासरकारी कार्यालय विद्रोहीको कव्जामा छन् । कति मन्त्री भागेर नारायणहिटी राजदरवार पुगेको खवर आउन थाल्यो । 
त्यो घटना बारे गणेशमान सिंहले भनेका छन् ‘सूचनाको अभावमा भाग्न नभ्याएका मन्त्रीहरु विद्रोहीको गिरफ्तारीमा परे । त्यस मध्ये म पनि एक हु । उनीहरुले राती नै घर घेरामा हालि सकेका रहेछन् । तर मेरो निद्रा खल्वलिएला भनेर उठाउने र गिरफ्तार गर्ने काम चाही गरेनन् । विहान उठे पछि सिंहदरवारमा केआई सिंहले बोलाएका छन् भनेर लगे । त्यहा“ पुगे पछि मात्र विद्रोह भएको र म आफै पनि उनीहरुको नियन्त्रणमा रहेको कुरा थाहा पाए ।’
सेनाको हेडक्वाटर वाहेक नारायणहिटी दरवार भन्दा दक्षिणको भागमा विद्रोहीले अड्डा जमाई सकेको सूचना आई रहेको थियो । राष्ट्रिय सेना र विद्रोही विच गोली हानाहान भएर रक्तपात हुने त्रासले प्रधानमन्त्री छटपटाइ रहेका थिए । 
कमलले सम्झिए ‘बाबाले नारायणहिटीमा फोन लगाउनुभयो । एउटा ठूलो गाडी पठाई दिन भन्नु भयो । त्यो वेला शैलजा आचार्यका पिता डा। पिनाकीप्रसाद (मातृकाका वहिनी ज्वाई) त्यही हुनुहुन्थ्यो । मेरो मामाको छोरी, उमेशजंग राणा, लगायत अरु पनि थिए । दरवारले पठाउने गाडीमा सबै नअट्ने भएकाले उनीहरुले भने तपाईहरु जानुस् जानुस् ।’ 
गाडीको प्रतिक्षा भइरहदा रक्षा दलका अधिकृत खेमवहादुरले के भने ‘यसो गर्नुस् हजुर । प्रधानमन्त्री ज्यू परिवारका साथ जानुस् । सामान यही रहोस् । हामी यता उता हुन दिदैनौ । हामीहरु पनि रक्षा दलकै, उनीहरु रक्षा दलकै । दुई घ्याम्पा रक्सी किन्ने पैसा छोडिदिनुस्, एउटा सामान पनि यताउता हुन दिदैनौ । उनीहरु आउछन् । त्यतिञ्जेल तपाईहरु गैसक्नु भएको हुन्छ । तिनीहरुलाई हामी भन्छौ । खै तिमीहरु आयौ । प्रधानन्त्री त गैसके । उनीहरु पनि प्रधानमन्त्री नभेटे पछि निरास हुन्छन् । त्यो वेला हामी भन्छौ । हामी र तिमी त साथी साथी हौ नी । अव केही छैन हेर । यही रक्सी र अलीकति शितन खाउ चित्त वुझाउ । त्यस्तो टेन्स वातावरणमा पनि हासो उठ्दो कुरा । उसको सोझो तरिका । कुरा त ठिकै हो वा क्या आईडिया निकालि रहेको छ भन्यौ हामीले ।’
राजाको सामुन्ने जादा त दौरा, सुरुवाल टोपी सबै लगाउनु प-यो भन्दै प्रधानमन्त्री लुगा लगाउन थाले । कमलले सुनाए ‘हामी सबै पाइजामा मै छौं । त्यही बेलामा फोन बज्यो । मैले उठाए । सूर्यप्रसाद उपाध्यायको रहेछ । सोध्नु भयो ‘मामा कहा हुनुहुन्छ ? बाबालाई उहाँ मामा भनेरै बोलाउनुहुन्थ्यो । भन्नु भयो हामीहरु भारतीय दुतावास पुगि सक्यौ । मामालाई पनि यतै आउन भन्नु । शहरमा खतरा छ ।’
प्रधानमन्त्रीले कमल अह्राए ‘उहाहरुलाई भन्नु । बाबा नारायणहिटी जादै हुनुहुन्छ तपाईहरु पनि उतै आउनु होला ।’ कमलले फोन डायल गरे । सूर्यप्रसादलाई बाबुको सन्देश दिए ।  
नारायणहिटीवाट एउटा मोटर आई पुग्यो । कमलले सम्झिए ‘खचाखच गरेर हामी वस्यौ । पछाडी पट्टीको सिटमा आमा र हामीहरु, अगाडी बाबा र पिनाकी बाबु ।’ नारायणहिटीवाट आएका सिपाहीहरु अगाडीको सिटमा चार जना खादखुद गरेर वसे । संकटको वेला, त्यो वाहेक अर्को उपाय थिएन । 
प्रधानमन्त्री बस्ने व्रिटिस डिजाईनको सानो चिटिक्कको त्यो बंगलोमा इन र आउटका लागि छुट्टा छुट्टै गेट थिए । आउटवाट प्रधानमन्त्री चढेको मोटर निस्कदै छ । इनवाट एउटा लरी छि-यो । मधुरो प्रकाशमा राम्रोसंग चिन्ने अवस्था थिएन । प्रधानमन्त्रीले दरवारबाट आएका सिपाहीलाई भने ‘ए एक पटक रोकौ की क्या हो हाम्रो मद्तका लागि आएका हुन् की यीनीहरु ।’
दरवारबाट आएको सेनाले भन्यो ‘हैन प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यू हिडि सके पछि रोकिनुहुन्न ।’ सिभिल ड्रेसमा रहेको राष्ट्रिय सेनाको त्यो अफिसर उसले चिने छ लरीमा आएका मानिस । 
नारायणहिटी दरवारको उत्तरतिर काम काजका लागि प्रयोगमा ल्याउने एउटा सानो गेट थियो । एक पटकमा एउटा मानिस मात्र छिर्न सक्ने । प्रधानमन्त्री सवार मोटर त्यही पुगेर टक्क रोकियो । 
सेनाले ढोका ढ्याढ्याक ग-यो । भित्रबाट आवाज आयो ‘हु कम्स द्यर ।’ प्रधानमन्त्रीको साथमा रहेको सैनिक अधिकारीले भन्यो ‘प्यारोल’ । त्यो कोर्ड सुने पछि ढोका खुल्यो ।
अनी अगाडी इसारा गर्दै सैनिक अधिकृतले भने ‘प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यू सवारी होस् ।’ प्रधानमन्त्री पछि एक एक गर्दै परिवारका सबै सदस्य दरवारभित्र छिरे । अनी मात्र त्यो अधिकृतले भन्यो ‘हेयर वेथ स्केप प्रधानमन्त्री ज्यू । रौले वचियो । हामी निस्कने बेला गेटमा पुगेको विद्रोही फौज थियो, त्यसैले प्रधानमन्त्रीज्यूले भन्दा पनि मैले मोटर रोक्न सकिन ।’
लामो सास तानेर प्रधानमन्त्रीले भने ‘ए बाबा बल्ल बल्ल पो जोगिएछ त  । प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई नै कव्जामा लिएको भएछ त ? सक्कि हालेको  नी ।’

भिडियो पनि हेर्नुहोस


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    The term "Golden Age of Porn", or "porno chic", refers to a 15-yr interval (1969-1984) in commercial American pornography, through which sexually explicit movies skilled constructive attention from mainstream cinemas, film critics, and most people.[1][2] This American period, which had subsequently spread internationally,[3] and that began before the legalization of pornography in Denmark on July 1, 1969,[4] started on June 12, 1969,[5] with the theatrical launch of the movie Blue Movie directed by Andy Warhol,[6][7][8] and, somewhat later, with the discharge of the 1970 movie Mona produced by Bill Osco.[9][10] These films had been the primary grownup erotic movies depicting specific sex to obtain wide theatrical release in the United States.[6][7][8][9] Both influenced the making of films akin to 1972's Deep Throat starring Linda Lovelace and directed by Gerard Damiano,[11] Behind the Green Door starring Marilyn Chambers and directed by the Mitchell brothers,[12] 1973's The Devil in Miss Jones additionally by Damiano, and 1976's The Opening of Misty Beethoven by Radley Metzger, the "crown jewel" of the Golden Age, based on award-successful creator Toni Bentley.[13][14]. In keeping with Andy Warhol, his Blue Movie movie was a significant affect in the making of Last Tango in Paris, an internationally controversial erotic drama film, starring Marlon Brando, and released just a few years after Blue Movie was shown in theaters.[8]

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    Following the British resolution to withdraw from the Airbus programme in 1969, BAC quickly revisited its designs for the two-Eleven and refreshed them to provide an up to date proposal, identified as the Three-Eleven. Spurred on, during November 1969, BAC approached the Ministry of Expertise, seeing to amass monetary assist for the Three-Eleven programme. Along with BEA, several other airways declared their support for the Three-Eleven proposal, such because the privately owned Court Line Aviation airline (however, the operator had also declared itself to be equally prepared to function the European Airbus). Throughout 1969 and 1970, the British government-owned airline British European Airways (BEA) expressed willingness to operate the proposed airliner and its preference for the sort over the rival Airbus proposal. Accordingly, during 1966, BAC formally issued their newest proposal for a brand new airliner within the type of the two-Eleven. Throughout 1964, each BAC and its principal home rival, Hawker Siddeley, performed detailed studies on the prospects of producing stretched versions of their current airliners, the Vickers VC10 and the Hawker Siddeley Trident. In the primary half of the next year, BAC submitted its proposals for the manufacturing of two separate double-decker variations of the VC10, which was generally referred to as the Super VC10; nonetheless, it was shortly recognised that substantial support from the British authorities would be required for the initiative to succeed, involving "several tens of millions of pounds".

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    Arnold next wrote a sequence of letters to Clinton, even before he may need anticipated a response to the July 7 letter. Washington refused his provide to resign, and wrote to members of Congress in an try and correct this, noting that "two or three different very good officers" may be lost if they persisted in making politically motivated promotions. Benjamin Franklin wrote that "Judas offered only one man, Arnold three tens of millions", and Alexander Scammell described his actions as "black as hell". By way of Health & Human companies one is ready to file a complaint that their HIPAA rights have been violated or a marketing consultant that can be able to decide if their rights have been violated. Washington then made one of the worst selections of his profession, appointing Arnold as army governor of the wealthy, politically divided metropolis. André then drafted directions to Stansbury and Arnold. André returned victorious from the Siege of Charleston on June 18, and each he and Clinton were instantly caught up on this news. Arnold started the struggle as a captain in the Connecticut militia, a place to which he was elected in March 1775. His firm marched northeast the following month to help in the Siege of Boston that followed the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

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The Rise off Online Casinos inn the Philippines Before delving into the intricacies of Panaloko Casino, it's importantt to understand the context of online gambling iin the Philippines. The country has a rich and intricate backgrkund with gaming, dating back to ancient traditions. Nevertheless, it wasn't until the 1970s and 1980s that contemjporary gambling establishments commenced opereations in the country. The advent of digital platforms brought about a revolutionary phase for gambling in the Philippines. Several years ago, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) established the offshore gaming (POGO) regulatory framework, which allowed online casinos to legally operate within the nation. This decission paved the way for domestic and foreign companies to ehter the Philippine online gambling market. Consequently, the mareket has witnessed exponential growth, with numerous online casinos competing for customer loyalty. Unveiling Panaloko Online Casino Amidst this competitive landscape, Panaloko has emjerged as a standout player. Established in recent years, Panaloko Online Casino has swiftly become renowned for its devotion too delivering a premium online gambling journey tailored to the inclinations of local enthusiasts. Thhe name "Panaloko" alone holdes significance in Philippine traditions. Originating from the vernacular expredssion "panalo," which translates tto "win" or "victory," Panalokko Online Casino represents the core of triumph that countless enthusiasts pursue in their online gaming endeavors. Gaming Library A primary element tht distinguishes Panaloko part from its rivals is its comprehensive array off games. The casino showcases a wide-ranging collection of entertainment options tailored to cater to the tastes of diffferent gaming aficionados, from inexperienced bettors to veteran players. Sloot Games Panaloko Online Casino's slot game assortment is nothing shor off outstanding. With a vazst array of titles accessible, players can indulge in a range spanning traditional three-reel slots too state-of-the-art feature-rich titles ofering captivating graphics aand enticing extra elements. Some of the most popular slot games on Panaloko Casino comprise: Millionaire Maker Cosmic Fortune Book of Dead Lost City Riches Eternal Love Thesse options provide varying levels of risk and possible rewards, assuring that there's something for various gaming preferences. Table Games Foor those who prefer morde traditional casino experiences, Panaloko Casino offers a comprehensive selection of table games. This category features: Vingt-et-Un: Multiple variants oof this timeless gambling activity are oon offer,such as Single Deeck Blackjack, Spanish 21. The Wheel of Fortune: Gamblers can enjoy both European and American roulette, each offering distinct wagering possibilities. Chemin de Fer: This sophisticated card game, popular among VIP players, is offered in dfferent styles. Poker: Varrious poker variants are available, such as Texas Hold'em, Casino Hold'em. Bones: This exciting dice game presents players the chance to partake iin the rush of a gambling hall from the comfort of their own homes. Interactive Gambling Experiences A key attraction of Panaloko is iits real-time ggaming collection. This category combine the accessibility of online gambling with the realism of a brick-and-mortar casino. Users ccan interact with trained croupiers in live via high-quality video streams. This produces an captivating environment tat accurately replicates the exccitement of playing in a traditional gambling venue. Fan-favorite live dealer titles onn Panaloko Online Casino feature: Interactive Vingt-et-Un Real-Time Wheel of Fortune Livee Baccarat Interactive Casino Hold'em Live Game Shows: Featuring Monopoly Live Platform Interface Panaloko Onlihe Caseino puts a strong emphasis on providing an outstanding platform interface. The website iis dezigned with ease of use in mind, permitting gamblers to easily access their preferred titles annd navigate the multiple areas of the website. The structure is sleek and user-friendly, with logical groupings for distict betting categories. A comprehensive gamke finder allows visitors to asily find desired options or discover fresh experiences based on their preferences. Furthermore, Panaloko hass placed great emphasis in guaranteeing that its platform iis completely adaptable, ofering a smooth transition across various devices, inclpuding laptop machines, smartphones, and iPads. On-the-Go Gambling Acknowledging the increasing popularity of on-the-go gambling, Panaloo has created a state-of-the-art mobile platform that enabkes gamblers to enjoy

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feromonami alluramin allegro btb feromony feromony damskie alluramin allegro perfumy męskie z feromonami rossmann rossmann perfumy z feromonami perfumy męskie z feromonami rossmann perfum z feromonami damski perfumy damskie z feromonami znane perfumy z feromonami btb feromony perfumy damskie z feromonami rossmann btb feromony znane perfumy z feromonami męskie feromony allegro feromony feromony taboo perfum meski z feromonami feromony btb damskie feromony w perfumach perfumy z feromonami damskie sephora najlepsze perfumy z feromonami desir eternel femme damskie perfumy z feromonami cena mocne feromony męskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami rossmann perfumy z feromonami feromony dla mężczyzn feromony bezwonne damskie feromony męskie rossmann perfum meski z feromonami perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann najlepsze perfumy z feromonami desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml prawdziwe feromony désir éternel femme gdzie kupić perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann czyste feromony damskie androsteron feromon desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml alluramin feromony czyste feromony damskie męskie perfumy z feromonami perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann aktywator feromonów perfumy męskie feromony perfumy love desire feromony w perfumach perfum z feromonami damski męskie perfumy z feromonami feromony perfumy feromony btb perfumy z feromonami douglas męskie feromony be mine feromony alluramin sklep love desire feromony androstenol cena feromony perfumy kobiece feromony desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml feromony sklep feromon meski perfum z feromonami damski feromony bezwonne alluramin sklep feromony bezwonne damskie perfumy feromony meskie perfumy z feromonami rossmann kobiece feromony gilroy feromony feromony męskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet naturalne feromony damskie perfumy z feromonami męskie desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml feromon meski feromony na kobiety phobium pheromo desir eternel femme damskie perfumy z feromonami feromony kobiece perfumy z feromonami damskie rossmann feromony bezwonne feromony desir eternel feromony bezwonne feromony taboo be mine feromony perfumy z feromonami rossmann najlepsze perfumy z feromonami love and desire feromony feromony desir eternel feromony love desire love desire męskie perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet perfum z feromonami desir eternel homme feromony męskie love desire męskie desir eternel femme damskie perfumy z feromonami perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann alluramin allegro desir eternel femme damskie perfumy z feromonami cena kobiece feromony perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami feromony dla kobiet feromony perfumy damskie feromony rossmann kobiece feromony aktywator feromonów feromony dla kobiet love and desire feromony kobiece feromony feromony perfumy meskie feromony dla mężczyzn perfumy z feromonami dla mężczyzn phobium pheromo feromony dla kobiet prawdziwe feromony perfum z feromonami perfumy z feromonami rossmann perfum z feromonami perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas be mine feromony feromony na kobiete perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet love and desire feromony perfumy z feromonami znane perfumy z feromonami allegro feromony perfumy dla mężczyzn z feromonami feromon meski love desire perfumy desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml perfumy feromony skuteczne feromony dla mężczyzn prawdziwe feromony desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml love desire męskie bezwonne feromony love desire damskie phobium pheromo bezwonne feromony feromony btb feromony damskie rossmann perfumy love desire perfumy męskie feromony męskie perfumy z feromonami alluramin allegro najlepsze perfumy z feromonami perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet czyste feromony feromony bezzapachowe dla mezczyzn feromony męskie znane perfumy z feromonami feromony sklep feromony damskie co to feromony męskie feromony perfumy chakra feromony chakra feromony skuteczne feromony dla mężczyzn feromony na kobiete perfumy feromony meskie feromony dla kobiet perfumy feromony meskie perfumy z feromonami damskie sephora mocne feromony męskie desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml męskie feromony feromony perfumy damskie feromony męskie perfumy love desire feromony feromony perfumy meskie feromony desir eternel feromony kobiece btb feromony feromon meski perfum meski z feromonami feromony btb damskie feromony pheromax perfumy z feromonami perfum meski z feromonami love desire męskie prawdziwe feromony prawdziwe feromony perfum z feromonami damski perfumy damskie z feromonami perfumy dla mężczyzn z feromonami feromony bezwonne damskie feromony rossmann feromony damskie co to męskie feromony czyste feromony znane perfumy z feromonami feromony na kobiety czyste feromony damskie chakra feromony love desire męskie męskie feromony love desire feromony feromony na kobiete znane perfumy z feromonami feromony męskie perfumy alluramin gdzie kupić feromon meski chakra feromony allegro feromony prawdziwe feromony perfumy dla mężczyzn z feromonami perfumy damskie z feromonami rossmann męskie perfumy z feromonami znane perfumy z feromonami perfumy z feromonami męskie perfumy z feromonami damskie perfumy love desire feromony męskie btb feromony perfumy z feromonami rossmann feromony pheromax męskie feromony najlepsze feromony love desire feromony perfum z feromonami feromony na kobiete desir eternel homme feromony męskie feromony feromony co to feromony damskie perfumy z feromonami męskie feromony perfumy love desire feromony feromony dla mężczyzn feromony perfumy damskie love desire feromony feromony damskie perfumy love desire damskie najmocniejsze feromony męskie magnetifico allure perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas feromony sklep feromony damskie perfumy perfumy love desire perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas feromony pheromax alluramin allegro feromony dla mężczyzn perfumy love desire alluramin feromony love desire feromony feromony sklep znane perfumy z feromonami feromony kobiece feromony bezwonne męskie mocne feromony męskie feromony kobiece feromony kobiece feromony damskie perfum meski z feromonami perfumy z feromonami dla mężczyzn perfum meski z feromonami feromony męskie feromony btb damskie feromony damskie feromon meski prawdziwe feromony desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml perfumy feromony prawdziwe feromony love desire męskie feromony rossmann feromony feromony bezzapachowe aktywator feromonów najlepsze feromony perfum z feromonami damski alluramin gdzie kupić alluramin allegro prawdziwe feromony perfumy damskie z feromonami rossmann perfumy z feromonami damskie feromony rossmann feromony co to feromony damskie rossmann perfum z feromonami damski najlepsze perfumy z feromonami magnetifico allure aktywator feromonów perfumy z feromonami damskie rossmann feromony męskie perfumy love desire męskie alluramin feromony love desire męskie desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml love desire feromony feromony pheromax alluramin gdzie kupić desir eternel perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet 50ml perfumy męskie feromony perfumy z feromonami męskie love desire feromony feromony dla mężczyzn perfumy męskie feromony allegro feromony desir eternel femme damskie perfumy z feromonami feromony bezwonne męskie feromony na kobiety love desire męskie kobiece feromony feromony co to perfumy męskie feromony czyste feromony damskie be mine feromony feromony kobiece męskie perfumy z feromonami czyste feromony damskie alluramin sklep love desire perfumy perfumy męskie feromony perfumy dla mężczyzn z feromonami perfum z feromonami damski btb feromony phobium pheromo feromony btb damskie feromony love desire męskie perfumy z feromonami allegro feromony désir éternel femme gdzie kupić alluramin sklep perfumy dla mężczyzn z feromonami gilroy feromony perfumy męskie feromony feromony bezwonne męskie alluramin feromony bezzapachowe feromony znane perfumy z feromonami feromony bezwonne męskie be mine feromony perfumy z feromonami douglas perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas feromony na kobiete skuteczne feromony dla mężczyzn perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet czyste feromony damskie désir éternel femme gdzie kupić bezzapachowe feromony mocne feromony męskie btb feromony mocne feromony męskie prawdziwe feromony feromony bezwonne be mine feromony feromony bezzapachowe feromony btb damskie feromony dla kobiet feromony damskie rossmann feromony damskie perfumy feromony w perfumach be mine feromony feromony dla mężczyzn feromony btb damskie feromony bezwonne męskie feromony perfumy damskie z feromonami feromony damskie feromony alluramin feromony feromony perfumy love desire męskie feromony dla mężczyzn love and desire feromony feromony w perfumach feromony btb perfumy z feromonami męskie feromony damskie rossmann alluramin feromony alluramin sklep perfumy damskie z feromonami feromony bezzapachowe bezzapachowe feromony kobiece feromony kobiece feromony perfumy z feromonami damskie feromony na kobiete perfum meski z feromonami perfumy męskie z feromonami btb feromony desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas perfumy z feromonami damskie douglas desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml love desire damskie phobium pheromo kobiece feromony feromony na kobiete alluramin sklep feromony bezzapachowe androsteron feromon czyste feromony męskie feromony feromony męskie perfumy feromony na kobiete prawdziwe feromony perfumy z feromonami dla kobiet feromony rossmann feromony na kobiety feromony na kobiete désir éternel femme gdzie kupić perfumy z feromonami douglas perfumy z feromonami damskie feromony dla kobiet feromony btb feromony kobiece perfumy damskie z feromonami feromony love desire bezwonne feromony feromony perfumy damskie feromony bezwonne męskie kobiece feromony perfumy z feromonami dla mężczyzn feromony co to aktywator feromonów perfumy z feromonami rossmann love desire męskie perfumy z feromonami rossmann perfumy z feromonami damskie sephora love desire męskie gilroy feromony alluramin allegro feromony sklep feromony btb feromony damskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami damskie rossmann feromony perfumy feromony perfumy prawdziwe feromony prawdziwe feromony perfumy z feromonami perfumy love desire bezwonne feromony bezzapachowe feromony najlepsze feromony feromony bezzapachowe dla mezczyzn love desire damskie feromony damskie co to feromony btb feromony dla mężczyzn perfumy z feromonami damskie sephora skuteczne feromony dla mężczyzn aktywator feromonów bezzapachowe feromony phobium pheromo perfumy z feromonami douglas perfumy damskie z feromonami rossmann love desire feromony alluramin allegro feromony btb damskie czyste feromony feromony perfumy meskie perfumy z feromonami dla mężczyzn perfumy męskie z feromonami rossmann love and desire feromony feromony bezwonne męskie perfum meski z feromonami feromony na kobiete love desire męskie czyste feromony damskie perfumy feromony chakra feromony bezwonne feromony feromony damskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami damskie rossmann perfumy love desire love desire perfumy męskie love desire perfumy męskie desir eternel homme feromony męskie perfumy z feromonami douglas feromony perfumy damskie feromony btb damskie najlepsze feromony feromony taboo perfum meski z feromonami feromony damskie perfumy feromony damskie perfumy alluramin feromony feromony desir eternel perfumy z feromonami perfumy z feromonami dla mężczyzn perfumy męskie z feromonami rossmann feromony męskie perfumy perfumy damskie z feromonami perfumy z feromonami rossmann desir eternel mocne feromony dla meżczyzn 50ml perfumy love desire perfum meski z feromonami perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann perfumy z feromonami męskie rossmann

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